Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Frugal meals! And a cheap trip to the cinema...

We had a treat day yesterday as when S is off midweek we like to have a date day. We did a little bit of shopping and had lunch in a new all you can days world buffet restaurant. It was £6.99 each which included unlimited drinks too and it was lovely. We went there around 12:30 and didn't need anything to eat for the rest of the day! We popped to a local coffee shop for some peppermint tea after to help us digest. That was £3.40 altogether but we realised afterwards the teapots were big enough for probably about 4 cups so we could have easily shared.

Then we went to the cinema to see Annabelle. We usually only go on a Tuesday or Wednesday when it's cheap - but I had a voucher for 2 4 1 entry every Monday this month, plus we had a voucher each for a free drink or popcorn. Excellent bargain! £7.50 total for two tickets and two cups of Pepsi Max. The film was good too, creepy and the baby in it was adorable which made us even more excited for ours coming in a few weeks.

So today, S is back at work, the girls are at their dad's still so I'm alone til about 6pm. I've got housework to do - I've done some of it already - and I've just done lunch and tea - it's leftover day!

For tea we are using our trusty Crock Pot. I've put in:

*1/3 bottle mulled wine - leftover from sometime last week when I cooked beef in it
*turkey - leftover from our Sunday dinner
*1/2 pack bacon - used the other half last week with gnocchi and it needed using up
*small bowl mixed veg - leftover from Sunday dinner
*2 beetroot - leftover from last week
*mug of lamb stock
*handful of chopped onion

And later I will add some veg - probably spinach - and mixed herbs. Great low-cost meal with ingredients a lot of people would probably throw away, and I've now got room in my fridge to defrost meat for tomorrow.

For lunch, I had about 1/3 of a boil in the bag rice left over from Saturday. I fried that in the bacon fat after adding the bacon to the crock pot. Then I added 2 whisked eggs & a handful of chopped onion. Although I hate waste, rice is one thing I would normally throw away if I made too much so I'm pretty chuffed with this low-cost meal.

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