Friday, 1 August 2014


Well now, hasn't it been a long time since my last update! We've had a few changes since the last time I blogged. S now lives with us in a townhouse next to the sea, and we are expecting a baby girl in November.

Because of this change, I'm not currently receiving tax credits and expect them to be massively diminished when they do restart. I'm on annual leave from work and officially start maternity leave in late August. I won't be going back to work until September 2015, which is fantastic!

Not going to work is saving me £19.80 a week in metro tickets. I've recently discovered a lovely and really cheap little bus which runs from the seafront (5 mins from my house) to my mam's house via the town - so that's really everywhere I'd need to visit in this city! I can even use it to travel to Tesco and back which is only a 15 min walk but that's a long way when you have heavy bags. It costs £2 for a day saver, £5 for a family day saver which covers up to 2 adults and 3 kids, or £8 for a week pass.

Not going to work is also saving me money on childcare... Which is really lucky as my tax credits have stopped! I'm paying £40 a week now, rather than £100 a week. This will change again in September as R will be in reception full time.

Not going to work is saving me money on food and drink. I'm not able to drink energy drinks, whereas I was spending about £2 a day on them before! And I'm not buying sweets when out and about due to being a bit peckish.

Of course, because it's the summer hols, life is running a bit more expensive than usual despite not having to go to work. However, I'm approaching this in a frugal way and I will blog about this another day.

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