Saturday, 6 September 2014

My morning in town.

Yesterday I spent my morning in town after dropping the kids off at school. I was going to get my favourite bus, the one that only costs £2.10 for a day ticket, but wouldn't you know it - I waited about 20 mins at the bus stop then when it came up the street I was looking away and missed it. So I walked about 10 mins to the metro station and the metro pulled up just as I arrived so it left when I was buying my ticket! So after leaving school at 8:50 I didn't get to town until 9:40 even though it's probably a 20 min walk from school!

I went to Wilkinsons to get a drink and snack as I realised I hadn't had breakfast. Got a bottle of Irn Bru and something I've never seen before which was a strawberry meringue bar! A bar of meringue with chewy strawberry bits in. It was lovely. More excitingly, I checked out the reduced section and found a load of kitsch baking stuff reduced. I got a pack of 2 cake boxes to fit 6 cupcakes each, one floral and one dotty, for 25p.  I got a pack of 3 star shaped cookie cutters for 50p. And I got a pack of 6 little windmills to decorate cakes with for 25p! I was happy with that little stash and will use the cake boxes for presents. I might even go back on Monday and see if there's any left.

I went to the library and got a couple of books out inc the newest Charlaine Harris one which I was happy with. I picked up the girls' new coats from Argos and was really happy when R tried hers on. It's labelled as waterproof and windproof and it's meant to be great for keeping heat in. It's also quite long, knee-length. It looks sturdy and sensible and will be great for school, the park, the beach... Everything!

I popped into M&S because I'd seen 1D t-shirts online for only £2 but they didn't have L's size. Well, in store they only had 11-12 which was no good, so instead I looked at the reduced baby stuff. I found a beautiful set for the baby which was a cream long-sleeved vest with a design and diamantes on the front, a matching dusky pink tutu, and cream tights with a pretend shoe design on in the same dusky pink. This was from their Autograph range and originally cost £22 but was reduced to £8 - and because I had a gift card with £7.10 on it, it only cost me 90p!

I went into the YMCA charity shop after that and found a couple of other things for baby - 2 pairs of tights and a bunny ear hat - all priced at 49p each, and I treated S to a book about motorbikes. He loves bikes. And this was a book about the history of them with pictures and info right from the first bikes up until the "modern day" - only the book was printed in 1978 so even they look ancient to us! I thought it was great, and only cost 99p.

Now, the other thing I bought yesterday is the reason why we are staying home today and waiting for the delivery man - I popped into the BHF charity shop (which sells only furniture, electricals and homewares) as there's a couple of things we needed for storage. I managed to find a perfect set of shelves which is ideal for our hall! We have very limited storage but in the hallway we need to store motorbike stuff and outdoor toys. These shelves have metal sides and wooden shelves and they aren't enclosed at the top or sides which means you're not constricted by the size, it's ok if things stick out upwards or sidewards. Well, the shelves cost £20 and then it was £10 for delivery which seems like a bargain to me. I should really have had a deeper look around for other items to make the £10 delivery go further but I wasn't feeling too well after skipping breakfast so didn't bother. But I'm pretty chuffed with that - one of my jobs today after they arrive will be altering the shelf positions and arranging stuff on them :)

Monday, 1 September 2014

This weekend.

Oh dear, I've woken up feeling pretty crappy this morning. I've been sick and still feel sick. I'm also feeling a bit down which I attribute to feeling ill!

S has had a 3 day weekend. On Friday we did basically nothing, just lay around all day and watched a film (The Uninvited). We weren't that thrilled with it, but the ending was good and now we plan to watch the Korean original.

On Saturday we spent the day relaxing/napping again then on the evening went out for a meal with my family to celebrate my niece, M, going off to uni. She's going to York, which is far away from the point of view that nobody in our family has ever moved out of the county to go to uni, but close enough that she can come home any time she wants. We went to Nandos, which I'd never tried before - it was okay but I wouldn't choose to go again. We spent about £25 on food and drink, plus £11 on a card and Tesco gift card for M - so not a particularly frugal evening, but worth it IMO as a one-off for the enjoyment of seeing my family.

Yesterday, again we spent time relaxing and we also watched Paranormal Activity: The Marked Ones. It was quite good... But I prefer the original series. We had Sunday dinner consisting of turkey, mashed carrot and swede (my favourite!), Yorkshire puds, roasties and cheesy courgette. The cheesy courgette was something I found on Pinterest which looks horrible but tastes lovely, such a comfort food. It's not one of my favourite dishes that I've found on Pinterest but I'd definitely have it again.

Today S is back to work & I'm home alone til about 19:30. I have a to-do list of cleaning and organising jobs but some of these can roll over onto tomorrow or Wednesday morning - which is just as well considering how yucky I feel!

One job I do need to do, though, is making pasta sauce in the slow cooker. I very, very rarely buy pasta sauce but usually I just add a tin of chopped tomatoes and then add other ingredients as I go along. This time, I'm going loosely from a recipe on Pinterest but I'll add the usual suspects too such as Worcester sauce, plus grated carrot and cherry tomatoes as I have some that are past their best. Then I'm planning to blend it, use some for tea tonight, and freeze the rest. As well as being healthier and more convenient, I'm hoping the smoother texture will appeal more to the kids - and the hidden veg is certainly a bonus too!