So, since it's the beginning of November, I guess I'll start as I mean to go on!
1st Nov
We stayed in most of the day as the weather was a bit grotty and I'm under the weather. When I took the kids to sleep at Grandma's, a very kind lady gave L a day saver ticket as they didn't need it any more, which saved me 60p. I thought that was so kind and I left the ticket on the ticket machine when we arrived so that somebody else could make use of it too. Unfortunately, I then went to Newcastle and wasted about £5 in McDonalds on my tea :(
2nd Nov
After work I popped to Wilkinson to take advantage of the half price pick and mix. I got 2 medium cups - because there were no lids for the larger sizes - £6 worth for £3. That's in the Christmas present collection to get put into other containers, probably for my nieces. Then I popped to the charity shops to look for coats for L and I. I ended up with a nice padded black jacket for myself. It wasn't really what I was looking for - I wanted a long coat - but it does have a hood and looks really cosy, just what I need. That was £6.99 and originally from New Look. It's more than I'd normally pay for anything in a charity shop, but it's something I need. Didn't find a coat for L, unfortunately. I did buy a sequinned Gap hoody for R, though, which I was rather happy with for £1. If it's too small for R, I'll eBay it. I also got myself a black and white striped wrapover-style top from M&Co and a teal shirt from Bravissimo, both £2.50 - again quite impressed; I think M&Co is cheapish but I know the top would have been £20-£30 originally, and now I have a couple of nice new tops to wear for work! Lastly, I was on the Netmums Christmas thread and found a voucher for £15 off for new customers of Very. I can't get credit, unfortunately, so S set up an account and I bought the doll L wants for Xmas. It should have been £35 full price, but thanks to a reduction and my voucher code, I got it for £13 which I paid off immediately. Really happy with that bargain.
3rd Nov
I've not been out yet, today. My plan is to get changed (currently in slobby clothes) and go to Sunderland. The Body Shop have an extra 40% off all items, inc sale, when you have a code - and I'm planning to pop in for a few Christmas presents. I want to have a look around town for other bits and bobs for Christmas too. I'll also go to Tesco on the way home, just before it shuts, to get some whoopsies. My cupboards are pretty bare at the minute! Then I'll get bathed and ready to go to S' house. He's at work til 8, so I have plenty of time to get everything sorted out!
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